Barcelona Urban Beers


Barcelona Urban Beers

Barcelona Urban Beers organitzarà dues trobades obertes a qualsevol persones de l’àrea de Barcelona per compartir idees i conversa sobre el futur de la ciutat i les noves tecnologies urbanes des de la perspectiva de l’economia, el govern, la sostenibilitat i el disseny. Entre la seva activitat recent està la trobada d’ICT -Art al Barcelona LAB i en l’International Open Data Day. [Translation pending]

Urban Beers brings together people who work in the Barcelona area and have inspiring ideas for imagining the future of cities. Let’s share our ideas on all aspects of technologically-enhanced urban life, related to its economics, governance, sustainability and design!

The 5th of june meetup were offered 6-min talklets in English:

  • Concha Catalan, The seismograph of the Catalan government at Monitoring changes in their organization chart
  • Daniele Quercia, Shortest Urban Paths or Shortcuts to Happiness?
  • Mar Santamaria, The whole of Barcelona’s heritage in a map
  • Davide Proserpio, The Rise of the Sharing Economy: Estimating the Impact of Airbnb on the Hotel Industry

Program and registration (23rd of oct).

  • Josep Perelló, Open Systems, UAB
  • Ana López, CityMart
  • Tom Cole-Hunter, Centre for Research in Envrionmental Epidemiology (CREAL)

Projecte: Barcelona Urban Beers
Tipologia: Trobada
A càrrec de: Barcelona Urban Beers Meetup
Dates: 5 de juny i 23 octubre 2014