A new era of knowledge

    • España en llamas

    España en llamas | CIVIO

    Why does woodland burn? Does anyone pay for it? Every summer thousands of forest fires are reported… but little detailed analysis is carried out regarding what is going on and, above all, why. This web application allows users to visualise and browse through previously unpublished data on all those forest fires affecting 100 hectares or more that occ...

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  • 08/05/2014

    A new era of knowledge | Interviews

    La transformació del periodisme des dels anys 50 i 60 ha generat noves formes d’explicar històries i també canvis a l’hora d’analitzar les fonts. El periodisme de dades es basa en l’aplicació de mètodes precisos -derivats de les ciències socials- al treball periodístic. Alberto Cairo (University of Miami), Michael Bauer (Scho...

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    • 23andMe experience | Maria Padró

    23andMe experience | CCCB

    The DNA Testing Kit is a product that is commercialised online and allows us to access information on our genetic map and its possible repercussions on our health in the future. 23andMe experience shows the feelings of a person who takes this DNA test, making us reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of knowledge about the data that technology makes a...

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    • Winning Formula | Near Future Laboratory

    Winning Formula | Near Future Laboratory

    Winning Formula, is project by Near Future Laboratory which takes the form of a newspaper sports section from April 2018, explores these questions and some of the more unreal features of data-driven football future. It touches on more easily seen aspects of performance analytics, and new ways to depict and consume football in media, but also explores nea...

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  • 04/12/2013


    _BIG BANG DATA is an exhibition about the ‘datafication’ of the world curated by José Luis de Vicente and Olga Subirós with ZZZINC activities management. In the lead up to the opening in May 2014, CCCB LAB offers a window into the production process through a series of articles in which the curators offer a preview of the principal strands of content. ...

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