The Big Bang Data exhibition explores the emergence of the database as a framework for cultural and political thinking and the effects of datafication of the world.
- 01/05/2014
23andMe experience | CCCB
The DNA Testing Kit is a product that is commercialised online and allows us t... - 12/08/2011
24 HRs in photos | Erik Kessels
This installation is formed by mound of printed photographs that correspond to... - 26/07/2010
Afghanistan. The War Logs | Mark McCormick, Paddy Allen and Alastair Dant
Produced based on the Wikileaks leaks, this application provides a unique rec... - 20/01/2011
Annual Reports | Nicholas Felton
Every year since 2005, Nicholas Felton has produced a report about himself bas... - 04/10/1296
Arbor Scientiae | Ramon Llull
Arbor scientiae is a compilation of 16 trees, the aim of which is to enable th... - 20/05/1308
Ars Brevis | Ramon Llull
The Ars Brevis is a shortened version of the Ars, Ramon Llull’s magnum opus. ... - 30/06/2009
Balloon Mapping Kit | The Public Laboratory
Public Lab is a non-profit community that develops open code tools and applies... - 30/06/2013
Barcelona Commercial Footprints | Xavier Giménez
The project is an interactive Data Visualization to explore purchases made by ... - 30/06/2012
Barcelona cruise passenger behavior | Telefónica I+D
Every time a cruise ship arrives in Barcelona, a phenomenon of connection to l... - 30/06/2012
Barcelona heat (economic map) | Telefónica I+D
Mobile telephone data segmented by time bands give rise to a new territorial d... - 16/02/2014
Basic vocabulary of Big Data
An audiovisual installation that explains, through short stories and interview... - 30/06/2013
BCN Beats | Diversos
Real-time map of what is happening in the city, and includes traffic density, ... - 04/08/1999
Bill Clinton, the Lippo Group and Jackson Stevens of Little Rock | Mark Lombardi
American neo-conceptualist Mark Lombardi is well-known for his pencil drawings... - 09/03/2012
Bloomberg billionaires | Bloomberg Visual Data
The Bloomberg Billionaires index, which launched in 2012 and tracks the 300 ri... - 12/12/1862
Carte pour l’année 1858 des émigrants du globe | Charles Joseph Minard
This map charts the numbers and destinations of emigrants from Europe, Africa,... - 09/06/2004
Cinema Redux | Brendan Dawes
Cinema Redux processes the contents of a film to generate an 8 x 6-pixel image... - 08/05/2014
Data Falls | Domestic Data Streamers
How can we extract quantative data on the impact of a work of art? This is the... - 19/06/2013
Data Will Help Us | Jonathan Harris
Data Will Help Us is a brief manifesto about the promise and perils of data, ... - 02/03/2014
Del secret al monument | José Luis de Vicente
In contrast with the perception that the Web is a territory without spatial co... - 07/05/2009
Duofertility | Husheer, Chausiaux, Mackie, Ferguson, Naumann, Ayoub
It is a medical device and software combination that measures a woman’s body... - 04/01/2014
El indultómetro | Juan Elosua, David Cabo and Eva Belmonte from Civio
With the aim of helping to achieve an informed society as a basis for active c... - 29/05/2014
España en llamas | CIVIO
Why does woodland burn? Does anyone pay for it? Every summer thousands of fore... - 30/06/2011
Europe vs Facebook | Max Schrems
In accordance with the European legislation on data protection, every individu... - 10/11/2008
Exit | Diller Scofidio + Renfro
Installation that quantifies and shows the growth of the migration of the glob... - 04/12/2011
Face to Facebook | Paolo Cirio and Alessandro Ludovico
This artistic intervention in the social web space shows the fragile nature of... - 20/07/2006
Flight Patterns | Aaron Koblin
Aaron Koblin uses data to tell amazing visual stories that reflect on life and... - 30/06/2006
Flightradar24-Live air traffic | Flightradar24
Flight tracking service that provides you with real-time info about thousands ... - 01/01/2014
Flux | Pim Pam Pum
Flux shows the flows of financial transactions in Madrid and Barcelona, deter-... - 10/05/2009
Hello World! | Christopher Baker
Audiovisual installation fed by fragments of thousands of personal video diari... - 30/06/2004
Horst Ademeit | Polaroids
During the last 40 years of his life, Horst Ademeit documented the harmful inf... - 16/10/2013
How the Government Tracks You: NSA Surveillance
In October 2013 Fight for the Future and Demand Progress unveiled a video abou... - 29/03/2014
Internet Machine | Timo Arnall
This installation, created especially for this exhibition, introduces us to th... - 04/09/2008
ITO World is a transport information company that provides mapping servic- es ... - 30/06/2013
Mapping the Republic of Letters | Humanities + Design by CESTA
Before email, the world of scholarship relied on its own networks, which facil... - 30/06/2004
Marine Traffic project | Marine Traffic
This web site is part of an open, community-based project. It provides free re... - 27/02/2012
The interactive visualization shows the number of credit card transactions in ... - 29/01/2012
Narrative Clip | Martin Källström and more
The Narrative Clip is a small automatic camera and app that attaches to clothi... - 28/02/2012
New York Health Department Restaurant Ratings Map | Jeremy White
The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene performs unannounced... - 04/02/1858
Notes on Matters Affecting the British Army | Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale, a pioneer of modern professional nursing, represented in... - 07/09/1855
On the mode of comunication of Cholera | John Snow
Physician John Snow is the protagonist of one of the most famous episodes of s... - 30/06/2012
One minute dreamstate (1.40 AM) | James Clar
A brainwave sensor was used to record the artist’s brain activity during one ... - 05/08/2012
One Race, Every Medalist Ever | Kevin Qualey and Graham Roberts
This video compares Usain Bolt, current world record holder in the men’s 100 ... - 24/01/2004
OpenStreetMap | Eric Fischer
Openstreetmap is one of the most successful examples of a data infrastructure ... - 17/02/2013
OpenStreetMap: A Year of Edits | ITO World
Like in the las few years, OpenStreetMap analysed all the edits and produced a... - 07/04/2010
Prayer Companion | Interaction Research Studio, Goldsmiths
Developed by the interaction research studio of Goldsmiths, University of Lon-... - 29/04/2010
Prime Numeric. Live Remix of the UK Leaders Debate | SoSo Limited
2010 was the first year that the UK Parliamentary elections included American ... - 06/06/2013
PRISM Whistleblower. Edward Snowden interview
On 9 June 2013, journalists Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras made public the ... - 03/03/2007
Prison Uniforms, from Running the Numbers | Chris Jordan
It depicts 2.3 million folded prison uniforms, equal to the number of American... - 10/10/2009
Rosetta Project | Long Now Foundation
The Long Now Foundation, a non-profit organisation that encourages long-term t... - 30/06/2012
Russian tourism in Catalunya | Telefónica I+D
Roaming data indicate the place of origin of the user. In this case, we can ob... - 11/03/2011
Safecast |
After the tsunami of 2011 and the subsequent nuclear problem at Fukushima Daii... - 04/07/2012
Smart Citizen Kit | Institut d’Arquitectura Avançada de Catalunya
The Smart Citizen Kit is an electronic plaque based on Arduino, with sensors f... - 30/06/2012
Stranger Visions | Heather Dewey-Hagborg
In Stranger Visions the artist creates sculptures of human faces based on ge- ... - 28/05/2014
Submarine Cable Map | Markus Krisetya, Larry Lairson, Alan Mauldin
This map shows the layout of the submarine fibre optic cable system that links... - 20/09/2008
Tele-Present Water | David Bowen
This installation shows in real time the physical movement of the surface of t... - 04/02/1996
The Internet Archive | Jonathan Minard
The Internet Archive is a non-profit archive whose aim is to construct an Inte... - 29/08/2012
The Program | Laura Poitras
The documentary maker Laura Poitras profiles William Binney, a veteran of the ... - 04/05/2013 | Umbrellium
All over the world, millions of organisations and individuals use connected ob... - 01/10/2013
Tu tasa de paro | Kaleidos and others
A web application based on EPA (Economically Active Population Survey) data to... - 31/12/2010
Vida sexual de una parella estable | Jaime Serra
This image represents the sex life of the author and his wife during the year ... - 10/03/2014
Visitors data analytics | Counterest
In numerous contemporary environments from shopping centres and supermarkets t... - 07/10/2011
Visual Complexity | Manuel Lima
Over the course of its history, the discipline of information design has devel... - 14/08/2006
We Feel Fine | Jonathan Harris and Sep Kanvar
We feel fine is a project that explores human emotions on a global scale. Ever... - 30/04/2011
Where the F**k was | James Bridle
In 2011, information technology researchers Alasdair Allen and Pete Warden dis... - 07/02/2014
Whistle | Ben Jacobs. Whistle Labs, Inc.
The Whistle Activity Monitor is an on-collar device that measures your dog’s ... - 09/09/2012
Wind Map | Fernanda Viegas and Martin Watterberg
Wind Map is the representation, in real time, of the movements of the winds th... - 18/02/2014
Winning Formula | Near Future Laboratory
Winning Formula, is project by Near Future Laboratory which takes the form o... - 29/01/2012
World Processor | Ingo Günther
World Processor is a project, begun in 1988, that consists of a series of ter... - 24/01/2014
¿Dónde van mis impuestos? (Where do my taxes go?) | Fundación Civio
This is a general free-access tool that allows users to visualise how much mon...